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BAH. i went to sarabeth’s and asked for a chocolate croissant. i come to work. prepared for the glorious chocolate croissant. and what do i get?????


……..almond croissant.



there are a lot of great bagels in nyc. everyone’s got their favorite from H&H, ess-a-bagel, russ & daughters, etc. and will fight to the death to defend their favorite as the best bagel of nyc. i’ve actually been to all of the places and enjoy them all (for a person who doesn’t really love bagels. as you probably know, i prefer pastries. and bacon. and sausage.) but i will say that i LOVE murray’s bagel. call me putty in a murray’s bagel’s lover’s hand, i love how it’s so fluffy and chewy and warm and fluffy. i love fluffy bagels. in nj, bergen county to be more specific, my favorite bagel place is this small bagel place on bergen blvd. by the wendy’s, pathmark, etc. etc. it’s small but it’s packed in the morning. come to jersey, i’ll take you there.

anyway, no better way to start the post memorial day weekend, short work week than having a bacon egg and cheese on whole wheat everything bagel from murrays. wooord.

bacon egg and cheese on whole wheat everything bagel

So every morning I take the bus to Port Authority and then take the subway to work. So if you’ve been to the Port, you know there’s Au Bon Pain everywhere. I remember getting stuff there sometimes when I went to NYU and it being pretty good. Well I was running late and just getting hungry so I decided to get a chocolate croissant there. ………….WOW what a mistake.

Ok, I’m not one of those food snobs. I just really can’t distinguish good food from great food. I’m sure I can pick what I think is better but when I’m eating I don’t tend to compare. I just savor what’s in front of me. It’s either tasty and edible or not. This is why I can eat leftovers for days and days.

Anyway. I don’t know if it was a bad batch or what. But considering I’ve been eating a lot of Amy’s Bread’s and Sarabeth’s chocolate croissant, I expect buttery goodness. Which this was not. I can’t describe the disappointment. It’s like if you were in some raffle for a million dollars and they’re going to announce the winner’s name. So you hear the first, “Gina ..” so you take a step forward with a goofy grin on your face. “.. Rodriguez!” OOOHHHHHH. She pushes past you. And there you are. Foolish. That’s how I feel. Dang…

And yes, I’m a chocolate croissant snob.

The long weekend has officially started. Well not really. It’s just the weather is so gorgeous that it feels like it should be the weekend already. Most people have half days .. I know I did (supposed to. shhhhhh) so technically it did start.

Anyway, went to breakfast at the Original Pancake House in Fort Lee, NJ with Jung. So you know there are good pictures. I’m gonna confess, I’m not really a breakfast person. GASP. I know. Let me clarify. I love breakfast when I’m not paying $10 for someone to fry my eggs and bacon. I could do that and have platters and platters of bacon. You know what i mean? Do something complicated or grueling. Make me a croissant and I’ll pay you. But anyway back to OPH (as my friends call it or OHOP). Now that you know I hate paying for breakfast, my meal was FANTASTIC.

I had the good ol’ bacon and eggs. The bacon is just the winner here. Thick, salty, crunchy, porky. Basically delicious. And what can you say about their pancakes. It’s fluffy and delicious. I figuratively licked my plate clean (I try not to do embarrassing things in public).

Gosh. Bacon. So good but so bad but so good.

first, let me say how GORGEOUS today is. although my allergies are kicking my ass today. walked from subway to work. walked into chelsea market. walked into amy’s. looked at the pain au chocolat and then i remembered! and with all my will power, i walked out and headed over to sarabeth’s. 

chocolate croissant

omgggg. THANK GOD i had the will to leave amy’s. this is one of the best chocolate croissants i’ve ever had. i just felt so. delightful after i ate it. so good with a glass of milk and coffee. the croissant part was so flaky and delicious. what a good breakfast. 

my only regret is not buying one from amy’s bread for comparison and another one from sarabeth’s just because.

happy bagel friday! i’m not sure what’s going on but i’ve been craving pastries this whole week. which i’ve satisfied. and to close, we have bagel friday. whooo.


so that’s my breakfast. two glasses of milk, a cup of coffee, croissant which i forced grape jelly into, toasted and buttered bagel half with half grape jelly, CORN MUFFIN, cinnamon bun type thing, and yogurt. oh, i have an orange and banana somewhere there. and that cereal, i’m just hoarding so i have something for a rainy day. thank you work for bagel fridays.


delicious. i swear i don’t always eat like this. i either stick to bagels or pastries. not both.

so i did it again. walked through the chelsea market and stopped in amy’s. i alwaaayyyss think about getting the cinnamon challah knot but never do. i just end up getting the pain au chocolat (chocolate croissant. but not today. today i got the cinnamon challah knot. 


with two glasses of milk and a cup of good coffee. delliiccious. it’s nice and chewy. sweet but not overbearingly so. there’s this nice honey or caramel thing on the bottom which makes the bottom a bit soggy? fine with me. just delicious. don’t worry, i’ll be having my yogurt and fruits in like two seconds.



***a little side note. also in the chelsea market is sarabeth’s which is supposed to have some bomb stuff. i’ve had some of their stuff and it’s delicious. word on the street is they’ve got some really good pain au chocolat. i have to check it out but the problem is amy’s bread is located closer than sarabeth’s when i’m coming into work in the morning.

not sure if that’s right. 4 years of french .. and i’m praying that’s right. 

so breakfast is what i think the most important meal of the day. i eat a champion breakfast. i’m talking a bowl of special k with banana, an orange, a yogurt, another glass of milk, and a cup of coffee or tea. i try to keep it healthy and load up my energy until lunch. but sometimes, i treat myself. 

today, i had pain au chocolat from amy’s bread in chelsea. i work right next to the chelsea market so when i walk from getting off the subway at 14th street, sometimes i stop in for a delicious pastry. today i had my favorite.

i stole the picture above from serious eats but obviously, it’s the one on the right and not left. 



allllll finished. note the remainder of my breakfast on the right.

May 2024
