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I am so glad Glee is back!

Today Show’s viral video of “dynamite”.  This song always makes me want to throw my hands in the air.

Mad Men is back and everything feels right with the world.  I enjoy this show because I feel as though it slows down my crazy world at least for an hour.  Of course Don Draper is probably one of the most fascinating characters on TV right now and he’s incredibly handsome, so it makes it even more interesting to watch.  I actually have a friend who has a pix of Don Draper as a wallpaper in her phone.   She shall remain anonymous.

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Alrite, it’s been a little more than forever and a half since my last posting.  Funny thing.  I thought I would be more diligent about updating the blog when I had more time on my hand but it’s been more challenging to do so.  But this is a good way for me to make a come back to the blogosphere.

PHOENIX!!!!!!! Okay, Claudia introduced me to them some time ago.  I think there was a point in my life when I thought she would pack up her bags and follow them around the world and possibly even marry someone from the group.   But she’s older and wiser now and living in LA, doing the LA thing.

Anywho, I’ve been listening to them non-stop for past couple of days.   Incredibly awesome music and I have to admit I don’t always know what they are saying, but it’s the type of music that I could listen to for hours at a time and even have one song on repeat for hours at a time.

Here are some songs that I found on YT.  You may recognize some of the songs from the recent Cadillac commercials.

Last nite’s Glee episode was one of my favorite so far.  John was getting annoyed at the fact that I was singing along with all the Madonna songs.  It was a perfect combination of my favorite TV show with Madonna.  I don’t really need to elaborate right? 🙂  But just in case you actually need some convincing, here’s a video of Sue Sylvester as Madonna  in the iconic Vogue music video.  And here’s a TVguide cover of the cast paying homage to Madonna.

I was able to listen to This American Life episode #400 this week.  And in TAL style, it made me chuckle couple of times, think about life & death, and I will probably go around quoting lines from this episode.  The episode was titled “Stories Pitched by Our Parents”.  It was a really great episode.  While listening to this episode, I was naturally coming up with at least 10 different story pitches that I could make to TAL, if I was to ever meet someone from the show.  Alot of quirky things happen to John and I.  People are always telling us that we should be on TV because the stories are so entertaining. 

The other morning, John and I were woken up by someone knocking at our door.  Someone wearing a NYPD cap was standing there, looking “official,” asking for me.  John had answered the door and quickly assessed the situation and realized that I was being “served”.  With a lawsuit.  John tried to get rid of the guy and stop him from handing over the paperwork.  After 15 minutes of conversation, the guy ended up dropping the paperwork and just walking away.  Only then did we find out that they JP Morgan was suing “Jung S Kim”.  Needless to say, I am not “Jung S Kim”.  Yes, this is how I started my Tuesday morning…. Does things like this happen to other people?

Google’s TV ad.  I don’t know if there are any other Google TV ads but this was so sweet and so poignant.  Clearly this was one of my favorite ads of the nite.

Dodge Charger commercial called “A Man’s Last Stand.”   Michael C Hall’s voice brought the ad to a whole new level IMO.

Modern Family – One of the funnier shows on TV these days.  And this episode was pretty hilarious.  Then of course, I couldn’t get Glee’s version of “gold digger” out of my head for literally hours….


I didn’t think I would have to write another Snuggies post but here I am writing another Snuggies post.  Snuggies for pet.  How far would these people go?  What will we see next?  Snuggies for our plants?  Snuggies for babies?  Snuggies for iPhones?  Seriously stop this madness!

Just saw the season premiere of House.  And once again, my real world crossing paths with my tv world.  Lin-Manuel was a quirky character on the show.  Fairly certain it’s not a recurring character but it was good to see him regardless.  And yes, I also concluded that House is 100x better than Heroes.


John and I usually don’t watch Big Brother. But the other nite, I was totally capitvated by the strange outfit that Julie Chen was wearing,  and that made us watch good 30 minutes of this show.  Seriously what was she thinking?  I thought she was married to some rich dude.  She couldn’t afford to get more fashionable thing to wear on a national TV than this Snuggies wannabe dress? C’mon!

High School Musical (the first one) meets Bring it On (the first one).  Seriously, do I need to go any further?  This pilot episode had my playlist: On My Own, Leaving on a Jet Plane, Rehab, and even a little bit of Vivaldi!  The first episode is tonight and I literally cannot wait.  I am making John watch the pilot online so he could fully appreciate the goodness of this show.  This is a definite must on my DVR and I probably will keep the episodes so I could watch them on a rainy day!


Okay so I haven’t been following America’s Best Dance Crew, aka ABDC as much as I’ve been in previous seasons.  But this past week was pretty awesome.  Each week they have a challenge and this week was the BOLLYWOOD week.  Okay, how much do I LOVE that stuff?  Baz Luhrmann was inspired by Bollywood to create such beautiful flicks like Moulin Rouge… nuff said!

Saw this on the news the other morning.  Still trying to figure out if it’s real or not. 


So last nite, John and I watched a “Kings” episode titled the “final episode.”  It still left bunch of questions unanswered but from what we’ve read, this might’ve been the series finale. 

After some digging around, John mentioned that each episode costs $4m to make and the show is only generating $2m.  Trust me, I work with numbers, that’s not a good sign.  This show has become one of my favorites on TV and I am deeply sadden to see it go.  RIP “Kings!”

holy cow. i’ve been internet-less in my apt for …. about a month. no cable tv either. my only source of internet and tv has been work, alex, and my iphone.

seriously, this is a cry for help.

I’ve been saying this for YEARS.  Why can’t they get REAL Korean actors who can speak Korean like REAL Koreans?????? Funny thing, the actress Yun Jin Kim grew up in the states. And out of everyone in this scene, she’s the only one who sounds like a native Korean.

The thing is, I’m sure there are plenty of starving Korean actors who would LOVE to put LOST on their resume.  Why not give those people the chance?  It always upsets me when I see actors playing Korean parts who are clearly NOT Korean.  WTF. 

But don’t you worry, I found out today that this kind of WTFness is not just with Koreans.  My Russian buddy Olga informs me that this happens all the time with Russian characters as well.  Apparently, Matt Damon’s(as Jason Bourne) Russian was perfect and Ben Affleck’s (as Jack Ryan) sucked! 


Saw this last night on Conan with John.  I couldn’t believe how shiny Gwyneth Paltrow’s legs were.  Then John told me about the “controversy.”


“My family… always in my heart but in my eye.  May the time apart enrich the time spent together.  May there be enough love left over until the next time we join hands.”

This is the prayer that King Silas prayed for his ‘”second family” before dinner.  This is why I LOVE this show.  It’s refreshing because we don’t hear this kind of language around us these days.  I truly heart this show.



Here’s the thing.  Someone needs to tell Janice Dickinson that she’s on a tv show with cameras.  Cameras that could record in the dark.  Cameras that could record when everyone’s asleep.  Cameras that will record all your actions.  Cameras that will record what you do and broadcast to the rest of the world. 

Janice lies.  Lies alot.  And she also urinated all over the camp that they sleep and spend all their time at.  Not only that, she steals and eats everyone else’s food.  Then LIES about it on camera.  And says, “why would they blame me????”  Seriously, is she being serious?  It’s just mind boggling how she could just lie without even blinking her eye….

Oh yes, and John totally thinks she looks like the Joker on this show.  This woman is not aging well. 

i’ve been waiting for this night forever. no offense, i think jay’s funny and all but conan’s definitely more up my alley. so i’m stoked conan o’brien’s getting this opportunity to host the tonight show. i’m not sure what all of america’s going to think about him because he’s definitely different from jay leno. i feel like jay leno definitely appeals to the masses while conan has a niche (large niche) group. oh well. as long as i’m happy, not too concerned about other people’s options for comedic relief. anyway, it’s on tonight and i’m stoked! i just have to figure out what time the tonight show’s really on. 



I wasn’t going to do it out of respect for her kids but after seeing the hairstyle from a side profile, I cannot stay quiet about Kate Gosselin’s hairstyle.  I’ve never really watched the show before and was not really interested.  But since I am as impressionable as a Pillsbury Doughboy, after being bombarded with the non-stop “Jon and Kate plus 8” over the weekend, I’ve succumb to the dark side and watched the season premiere of the show. 

But sadly, I couldn’t really focus on the show at all, because I was so distracted by Kate’s hairstyle.  SERIOUSLLLYYY, WTF!  It’s like 3 different hairstyle happening on one head. And her Staten Island highlighs just makes the whole look even more… unexplainable.  C’MON!  Somebody should really tell this woman to do somethinga bout her hair.  It’s just R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!

Just found “See What Stars Look Like With Kate Gosselin’s Hair!” on Us Weekly.  Pretty hilarity!



I haven’t watched a full episode of American Idol since the first season.  Just lost a total interest.  Then I heard this morning that 100 million people voted for this winner.  REALLY?  HUNDRED MILLION????  That’s 1/3 of the US.  That’s just insane! 

Here’s Kris Allen singing “heartless” by Kanye West, one of my favorite song this past year thanks to Gina.  I actually kind of like it.  I think he does a pretty decent job.  Good for him.


My buddy Jen recently posted on her blog an “open letter” to the Gosselin.  I thought it was too entertaining not to share.  I totally HEART the sentence about the “4 US Weekly” covers…. NICE!


There are few shows that I really really enjoy on CBS, other than the news programs like CBS Sunday Morning and 60 Minutes.  One of them is a show called The Mentalist (which i’m sure I’ll eventually blog about), and the other one is this hilarious show called, “The Big Bang Theory.”  It’s a show that my hubby and I could both really enjoy together.  It’s a TV show about true-ultimate nerds living in LA.  I enjoy it so much purely based on the fact that the characters on the show remind me alot of John.  And I think John likes the show based on the fact that he could relate to these characters.  I think he secretly loves explaining all the obsecure references that only a true nerd can appreciate and funny grasp.  It’s a really hilarious show.  You should definitely make the time to watch it.


Just watched this with John and I am still speechless.  I was a huge fan of the first “Celebrity Apprentice” so by default, we sit around fast forwarding thru this season’s shows.  But tonight, I couldn’t believe the drama that I might’ve almost missed!

Here are couple of things that I thought were pretty out-of-this world ridiculous and still trying to wrap my head around!

  1. What was up with Jim Cramer and Mr. Donald Trump passing notes to each other????
  2. What was up with Joan leaving because of her daughter being fired?  Bit dramatic you think?
  3. What’s up with Joan going off on other contestants and calling them names like they were her worst enemies?
  4. What was up with Melissa insisting on leaving with her S*** right then and there?
  5. What was up with the behind the scenes folks coming out???  Was that staged?

I am beginning to question reality TV these days.  Yeah, I know, sad…. But, WOAHHHHHHHHHHH, seriously that was one crazy TV moment!  Thank God for DVR!

So I totally LOVE this show.  I’m fairly certain I’ve mentioned that before.  But didn’t realize how unobservant I was until I came across this site today.  Apparently, the Observer, is in alot more episodes that I had realized and there were all these clues that I would’ve totally missed if it weren’t for these folks who are clearly ALOT  more obsessed about this show than I could ever be. 

Here’s something that John and I would’ve noticed.  Apparently there are these “glyphs” that are part of the commercial breaks.  How AWESOME is this??????  I’ve actually posted some of these images couple of weeks back while talking about the show.  Who knew they actually carried some sort of coded messages.  Seriously, I’ve just gained so much more respect for JJ Abrams and the folks who created Fringe.





The new TV show called “The Kings” is definitely gaining some leg on my list of favorites on the tube.  I didn’t know much about the show prior to watching the first episode and to my surprise, it was actually based on the Biblical characters David and Saul.  The power struggle, good vs. evil, coming of age, romance, and corruption…. seriously it’s really great stuff.  The writing is pretty fantastic and has depth, and the characters are fairly phenomenally developed as well.  And yes, it doesn’t hurt the fact that the lead character, David Shepherd played by Chris Egan, looks like young Matt Damon and the acting is just out of this world. 


ohhh southpark. i love south park. they’re so on point with social commentary and comedy. i don’t watch it nearly as religiously as i should. yesterday’s episode was way too funny. for everyone who thinks kanye takes himself way too seriously, you’ll enjoy. check out other full episodes here.

click here for this episode.

kanye west clip:


Okay, so the new season of Fringe started this week.  This is probably one of the greatest shows on tv right now, next to 24, House, The Kings, and of course, The Simpsons.  Hence, this is the second time I am actually taking the time to blog about Fringe. 

I think JJ Abrams really found a perfect show for him to let his imagination loose and not be criticized for it.   I think the main reason why he was losing so many audience with his other show LOST, might’ve been the fact that the “unexplained” was explained by something sooooo ridiculous that the rest of the show and the plot became a suspect.   But don’t you worry, I believe they still have THREE more seasons to come up with more crazy story lines and twists.  Seriously, the only good thing about LOST these days, is my friend’s blog about the things that are lost on the LOST and some things that are lost in real life as well.  Pretty entertaining!

Well with Fringe, JJ Abrams, can be as far-fetched as he wants to be.  The entire show is based on the paranormals, the unexplained, the government/big corporation conspiracies, and the irrationals of the world as we know it.   Fringe has covered array of sci-fi topics, such as, the possible existence of aliens, teleportation, humans having super natural powers, bio-weapons that can close all the orifices of a person, and so much more.   Every show I am totally engrossed in the lives of the characters and can’t wait to see how they will develop these intricately layered plots.  Agent Olivia Dunham is one of the best actresses on tv right now IMO, and Walter, is probably one of the most entertaining characters.  I mean they have a freaking cow named GENE on this show (very clever I might add).  Seriously, is it possible to NOT like a show with a cow??????

Here are some of images that are flashed when they go into the commercial breaks.  I even LOVE these!!!




  1. The Hills
  2. The Gossip Girl
  3. Celebrity Apprentice
  4. Any Rob Dyrdek shows
  5. Any TV show on CBS
  1. Friday Night Lights
  2. 30 Rock
  3. How I Met Your Mother
  4. The Bachelor
  5. The Office






If you haven’t heard, today is a really big day.  Possibly historical, and for some, even life changing.  Clearly not for me and hopefully not for my husband but I know there are people who are out there who will be genuinely sadden by the thought of having to watch the series finale of the “Battlestar Galatica.  Yes, you heard ,me right, the last episode of the series is airing tonight and hopefully it will answer many questions.  At least that’s what I’ve been told by my husband who loves this show. 


The original series was on tv in the 70’s and books/comics adaptations were around for some time as well.  Even if you don’t know about the show and haven’t watched a single episode like myself, I’m sure you would recognize words like, “Frak”, “Frakking”, “Fraker”…. or other variations of this word.  And for a show on the Sci-Fi network, it’s getting a fairly decent ratings/audience, not to mention ton of media coverage.  I’m sure the incredibly attractive, sexy, and hot actors on the show has nothing to do with it….


I’m sure we’ll be ordering in today, sitting in front of the tv, watching the last episode with my husband.  I will do this because it will be an awesome way for me to show him exactly how much I love him!


Over the Xmas break, my husband made me watch all of the “fringe” episodes that were recorded on our DVR. I don’t deal well with scary/suspenseful things, because I actually do get scared. But this “x-file“-like show has become one of my favorite shows along with “the mentalist“. But since I have a clear love and hate relationship with all things JJ Abrams, I’m sure eventually this show wouldn’t be any different from all his other creations. But for now, “fringe” has totally captivated me with, brilliantly written storyline/plot, characters with “depth/dimension”, and the acting is pretty decent as well. Yes, even Pacey (Joshua Jackson) from “dawson’s creek“. “I don’t want to wait till our lives to be over….” I know you hear it too.

So the other night, I was hanging out with a friend until the weeeeee hours of the morning (sorry guy). We’re watching tv and whatnot and he starts telling me how at some point (maybe 3am or something like that), an hour long program that sells knives comes on. An hour long program that sells knives at 3am EST.

He proceeds to tell me all types of knives that they sell like pocket knives, hunter knives, some Japanese swords, and they even sell you sets of 160 knives. They come in all sorts of sizes, colors, grips, cases, etc. etc.

I know, ridiculous. For two reasons:
1. Why is there an HOUR LONG knife show?
2. Why does he know all this stuff about an HOUR LONG knife show?

So time comes, and of course, there’s the program. And of course, I demand we watch the program (What? How can you not watch it now?) So we’re watching and of course the show is exactly how he explained it would be. EXCEPT it’s a lot more ridiculous.

First, imagine it being like an HSN segment except REALLY REALLY poor quality. I’m talking, the producer of the show found a video camera he bought in the 90s and thought, “awesome, I’m ready to make a show.”

Second, there are a RIDICULOUS amount of knives that are shown on that show. A ridiculous amount – which will be explained in the next point. Although this probably explains why the show’s using such a shiesty camera – they spent all their money buying knives.

Third, you only have 1 minute (maybe 2? I’m pretty sure it was 1) to call and purchase the item. And the order number isn’t simple. It’s like C302018i9a;h;aweigh;oi104y102y[. So imagine how many knives they went through. Yeah, a buttload. We actually called. It took about 50 seconds to get to an operator.

Fourth, in the background, the phones are ringing off the hook. I mean, non-stop as if this was some PBS telethon special with Kanye West, Bon Jovi (apparently England’s #3 Rock God), and other celebrities. Come on. It’s 3am. I know it isn’t live but seriously. That many people are buying knives right now? that many?

All in all, I’d say it’s a definite must see. At least once. I think the ridiculousness of the program itself is entertaining. And if you’re hanging out with my friend, a definite definite must watch. Because he apparently knows A LOT about knives.

May 2024
