So my friend Lanigan recommended this movie called “easy a“.  i did not watch this movie because the trailer looked really dumb.   Clearly I should NOT be judging a movie by it’s trailer.   It was such a funny movie and I really really really enjoyed it.  Really great writing and awesome acting.  Yes, it was very predictable plot but i am willing to overlook that slight flaw for the entertainment value of this movie….  here’s a sample of good writing from this movie.

“Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80’s movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80’s movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life.”

Saw this  and I totally had to share.  UP is one of my favorite movies of all time.  And a team from National Geographic’s new show, “How Hard Can It Be?” was cool enough to try this for me

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I’ve been a HUGE fan of FAGE yogurt for years now.  Then this morning I saw this commercial and was totally “wowed”.  Such an elegant and poignant way to fully capture my mind/heart!

DeLonghi Gran Dama Super Automatic Espresso Machine (orig $3,500… now $2,299)

I am what you call a social drinker.  I drink alcohol only in a social setting and I usually only drink coffee in a social setting as well.  But I would still want something like this at home.  Maybe because I’m pretentious…. 🙂

This is what my Ovation looks like.  I’ve had it for really long time and it usually sits in a case covered with dust in the corner of my living room.  But time to time, I make the effort to take it out and attempt to make music with the maybe 10 chords that I do know.

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It would be an understatement for me to say that I hate saying “good-byes”.  I don’t think it’s a blessing but rather a curse for me to get so emotionally attached to people who come into my life….

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For Valentine’s this year, John and I went to see this play called “That Championship Season.”   As you can see, it was an awesome cast and recently they were featured in a NYTimes article.

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Santos Platform Bed… I would like to take this entire room please…

(Orig $3459.. now $2271)

While watching an episode of Parenthood, I came across this song called “make you feel my love” by Adele.  I’m sure it’s an old song and everybody knows about it but I discovered it for the first time today and have been listening to it for hours….

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Recently I had the privilege of working on a fashion show during the New York Fashion Week.  Best part about working on this show was that I got to meet some pretty handsome men during the casting and the show.  One in particular really stood out for me and his name was Zhao Lei.  I’m fairly certain I literally “gasped” when he walked in the room.

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pleated fantasy gown

Recently stumbled upon this website called BHLDN. It carries ton of really unique wedding items such as gowns, dresses, shoes, accessories, and etc.  But I love the fact that everything seems really modern, contemporary, and so incredibly chic.

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somewhere in barbados….

I recently made a friend/pen pal who is living the life that I would want more than anything right now.  Not only does he get to travel the world but he gets to fly, for most part, in business/first class, stay at the best hotels and dine at the most exclusive places.  Okay, seriously beginning to like this character less and less as I talk about him…

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In the most recent episode of Fringe called “6B’, I learned one of the most fascinating physics theory that I can’t seem to get out of my head.  The theory is called “quantum entanglement”.

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Cee Lo’s “Forget You” is one of my favorite songs of all times.  I actually prefer the explicit version of the song more. But last nite at the Grammy’s he came out on the stage in this ridiculous outfit and to top things off lovely Ms. Gwyneth Paltrow joined him in the song as well.  Such great performance….

American artist Jennifer Rubell has created a life-sized waxwork of William which mimics his pose at the press event on the day the engagement was announced.

Best of all, you’ll discover that when you slip your hand through the royal arm, there is already a replica of the diamond and sapphire engagement ring affixed to “William’s” arm.

Just slip your ring finger through and voila! You’re engaged to the man who is second in line to the British throne. – Reuters

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As I am getting older, I am realizing more and more how much I haven’t taken care of myself over the years and of course, it’s showing on my face the most.  So recently I went thru a phase where I wanted to put make up on better and actually try to look better for myself and of course everyone who will have to interact with me on daily basis.  Then I randomly landed on one of Jennifer’s youtube tutorials.

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I recently started to watch this Korean drama called “Secret Garden“.   Prior to watching this drama, I was vaguely able to describe an “ideal” man for me.  YES, I’ve been married for almost 10 years but I can’t help the fact that I still have the ability to appreciate handsome men in the world.

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I am so glad Glee is back!

Stella Artois – Crying Jean

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What Can I say?  I really like the Black Eyed Peas.  There’s nothing like listening to bunch of their music to pump you up.  They are super great entertainers!

Central Station Furniture Square Root Lounge Chair (Org $562… Now $365) – Did I ever mention that I have a thing for chairs?  Okay furnitures in general but especially chairs.  I love the simplicity and the classic lines of this chair.  Not sure how comfortable it would be but I love it anyway.

Susan wanted me to listen to this song because she felt like it applied to my life so much.  When I started to listen I couldn’t help but to get emotional because it was something that I was probably choosing not to see or believe.  Then while listening to this song like 100 times, an unexpected thing happened.

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Due to my current financial situation, my purchasing power has been extremely limited to almost… nothing.  But bought this gorgeous Jonathan Adler storage box for my nite stand from Gilt.  And I LOVE it.  I dumped all my crap in there and my nite stand looks super clean.  It makes me happy looking at it.  So it was totally worth not eating for couple of days.

Recently saw this Brinca Dada’s modern doll house on Gilt and I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Other than the fact that I would much prefer living in a house like this than to play with it,  I thought when John and I have kids, surely they would play with this kind of doll house.  If they don’t like it, I’m sure either I’ll force them to or get them tested to see if they are really my kids.

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Just came back from my short trip to LA and went to Disneyland for the first time.  YES, it was my first time although I’ve lived there for years and years. But at this happiest place on earth, I’ve experienced one of the scariest moments of my life.

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Radio Lab is my other favorite show on NPR.  I’ve listened to every episode at least once and I go around quoting lines from the show time to time.  Recently heard this episode and actually got really emotional.  YES, I get really sappy over little things and YES I cried watching previews at the movies.  But wanted share this short story that made me tear up while waiting for the A Train anyway. (It starts around 11:30)

I truly heart simple | clean design.  These are ceramic white alarm clocks from West Elm.


A friend sent me this video recently because he saw my posting about 500 days of summer on this blog some time ago.   And while watching this video funny thing occurred to me.  If I was a man, I would love to date someone like Zooey Deschanel.  She would be my soul mate.  Funny thing is, shouldn’t I have been thinking, “wow, that joseph gordon-levitt, sure is a cutie!”

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Another great speech on Ted.

Today Show’s viral video of “dynamite”.  This song always makes me want to throw my hands in the air.

Saw Nathan Sawaya’s Lego art called “The art of the brick” on CBS Sunday Morning show couple of days ago.

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Inntrax Wooden Crayons – WHITE BIRCH DESKTOP HOLDER WITH 24 TWIG CRAYONS   (Org $50… Now $25) – I love this idea and I also love the concept.  Not sure how often I would use something like this but It’s pretty cool regardless.

Recently saw this commercial and I was quite smitten by the overall look of the commercial.  Land Rover LR4 is a lovely car as well.

Read this article on NPR News about a baby tiger being drugged and stuffed in a bag to be smuggled in.   It never ceases to surprise me the crazy things that people will do….

Jen S recently told me that one of our favorite KDrama “Boys before Flowers was on Hulu.  But recently I discovered that Hulu and bunch of other Korean dramas and movies.  I love when my western world collide with my motherland!  Thank you HULU!

I watched the movie Closer with great expectations.  Natalie Portman & Clive Owen(BMW films – Top 5 movie picks) in a same movie was enough for me to have these high hopes for this movie.  The movie was “eh” at best but I was able to walk away with music of Damien Rice, which I think just may be one of the greatest things in the world.  I love his music and adore his poetic and penetrating lyrics.   I have spent many hours walking and thinking listening to his songs in many different cities.  And I’m sure my head will once again be filled with his voice/music this autumn in NYC.

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It’s true I love alot of things and Restoration Hardware is up there with DWR, West Elm, C2B and Muji.   I actually applied for a part time position at RH retail store and got rejected.  I’m sure my salary and title as “Director of Finance” as current position probably didn’t help the matter.

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My newest purchase from Gilt today.  At this rate, I WILL need to get a job.  And apparently I LOVE shoes more than Claudia.  Although I didn’t steal them from her, and we are on the oppt coasts, we will be wearing the same shoes on some days.   I can’t wait to wear them.  Perfect for NYC Fall!

@ an Esty store “Sparkles Kitchen”  too cute

Right now, my small 1 bedroom apartment is overflowing with boxes, bags, paper, art supplies, and crates.  It’s getting so out of control that I am getting annoyed.  But with 5 events on my plate in next 45 days, I have no choice but to deal with the crazy/chaotic mess that I am creating in my living space.

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seriously, how cute are these rings?

This shoot was from couple of years back.  But I still love it whenever I see it.

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Covert Affairs is another show on USA that John and I try to watch on regular basis.  Piper Perabo plays a mildly jaded and intense character named agent Annie Walker.  I’ve always liked Piper since Coyote Ugly.  However there are moments when I get super annoyed watching this show.

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Katherine sent me an one liner email that read, “photo contest AND you can try the new Dominos Pizza” with the link for “Show Us Your Pizza” contest.

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I just heard on Today’s show that Suri Cruise has wardrobe that’s estimated at 3.6 million dollars.  What in the world???  And Katie Homes admitted that Suri chose her clothes since she was 1.5 years old.  Do they even talk at that age?  I don’t know, isn’t this just too much?  I mean she’s cute and all but is this just ridiculous.

Mr. Jonathan Adler has my dream job.  One of many dream jobs on my list.  Saw this “love & hate” jars and wondered how much I would LOVE to create things like this for living.  How satisfying and gratifying would my life be to be able to create things with my hands?  And YES, he has some freaking gorgeous things on his site.  Hate him!

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Kana Surfboards – P40 Epoxy Board (Org $650… Now $449) – something I will probably never need but thought it was really cool and I do like the design and the color combo.

A friend posted this on his FB page and of course I couldn’t resist.  Yes, it’s an actual cat fashion show.  The Gothamist had a good coverage of the event.  I showed it to John and he said, “when cats revolution come, these people are gonna be the first ones to be guillotined.”

Late last nite, while going thru the DVR, came across this little girl on America’s got talent.  She’s only 10 years old and her name is Jackie Evancho.  After watching her sing, I wondered how the other contestants on the show felt about her.  I mean clearly she was sooo incredibly awesome and better than other contestants.

Mark + James – Square Sequin Scoop Back shift dress (Org $495… Now $199) – looking for a dress to wear for a tea party.  This might’ve been over the top but I think I would have done it anyway.

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Yesterday during service at church, something unexpected happened.  God spoke to me again thru the song “How He Loves” .   He was able to use this one song to bring me, so far, 4 different message.  And this is the 3rd blog entry relating to this one song by John Mark McMillan.

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Bit out of my price range but just looking at this Chloe dress makes me feel sophisticated and classy.  Really adore this dress.

Give me the oppty to wear this Kate Spade shoes.  I will wear it!

Elite Leather – Whitby Sofa  (Org $3720… Now $1375) – Gorgeous sofa.  If it wasn’t for our cats, I would LOVE this gorgeous sofa t be sitting in our living room.  It will go very well with the dark brown book cases that I have.

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I could literally spend HOURS on TED.   Lanigan forwarded this to me and it is probably one of many many many reasons why I LOVE TED!

Not only because I shoot with Canon but because I like all things creative and clever, I really LOVE these Canon lens mugs.

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So if you haven’t heard and if you are not already following, Kanye West joined Twitter last week.   Read this on Huffington Post the other day.  It’s pretty hilarious.

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I was really excited to hear that Louis Ck was having his own TV show called “Louie.”  I thought he was hilarious ever since I saw this youtube clip of him on Conan.

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I saw Kick Ass in Seattle while visiting my bff Gian at a theater where they served alcohol.  I think I would’ve enjoyed this movie even without the alcohol.  Yes, there was incredible amount of violence, and yes there was incredible amount of profanity, and yes, most of it was from actors who were just kids .  But it was one of the most entertaining movies that I’ve seen in a really long time.  Mindless, good action, good plot,  and good dialogue.  It was  satisfying in so many ways.  John and I watched it recently and I was glad I made the time to watch it again.

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Villa in Anadalucia by McLean Quinlan Architects

Saw this on Diggy’s blog (<- i am still not convinced that he’s writing this blog on his own).    I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE a house like this for me and John.  I mean who wouldn’t right?

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Serious Eats is one of my favorite sites to visit.  It keeps me updated in all the places that I would LOVE to check out and also I get to stare at all these fantastic food pix.  WARNING: Don’t go to this site if you are hungry.  You’ve been warned.

Another cool find on Brooke Fraser’s blog : Solidarités International: Water talks

Recently saw this on Brooke Fraser’s blog and thought it was just amazing.

No matter how many times I see it, it always surprises me when I see articles/coverage about Korean food in a mainstream/reputable media source.  When I saw this article about Korean style tacos all over US in the  New York Times, I have to be honest, it made me feel proud to be a Korean.

I think God is very wise for many different reasons.

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I started to see the promotional commercial for “The Apprentice” this past week and I am fully understanding the power of empathy while watching these commercials.   As I am watching these folks get emotional about losing jobs and not having income coming in, I can’t help but to relate and completely connecting with these contestants.

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I recently started to apply for positions and started my job searching process.  I don’t enjoy this process at all.  And while going thru the emotional roller coaster, a friend and I had a conversation about how going on interviews are like going on blind dates.  There’s a deep truth in this topic….

so i know this song is overplayed … been overplayed for some time now. what song am i talking about? home by edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros. but a friend of mine just kind of mentioned it in an email chain and now i can’t stop listening to it … again.

such a good song. no, a great song. reminds me of the bf. megg farrell’s whiskey social covering home … (shitty iphone quality .. it’s all i had)

A gentleman named Rick Norsigian is living the life that I want.  He bought some negatives at a garage sale for $45 and eventually discovered that the negatives belonged to the great Ansel Adams.  And yes, Mr. Norsigian was recently informed that the negatives were appraised for $200 million dollars.

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Not only because I wear glasses, but as someone who appreciates cool and creative things in general, this is an awesome video.  LOVE it!

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Mad Men is back and everything feels right with the world.  I enjoy this show because I feel as though it slows down my crazy world at least for an hour.  Of course Don Draper is probably one of the most fascinating characters on TV right now and he’s incredibly handsome, so it makes it even more interesting to watch.  I actually have a friend who has a pix of Don Draper as a wallpaper in her phone.   She shall remain anonymous.

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Recently came across this blog entry that claimed that I could make In-N-Out burgers at home and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.

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On 20/20 this past Friday, they had a segment about fake Christian Louboutin shoes online.   I thought the piece was very informative and didn’t even realize that there were fake “shoes” but I guess it makes total sense.  Afterall, some Christian Louboutin shoes costs more than the purses that I carry around.

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I don’t know if I would consider myself the biggest Anthony Bourdain fan, but his show “No Reservations” has been one of my favorite shows for a fairly long time.  I actually became his fan while watching him on Food Network in “Kitchen Confidential.”

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I recently found a blog that I really like called “twig & thistle“.  I totally adore her style and sense of creativity and innovative way of looking at design. |continue reading|

How often do I get disappointed with movies because people around me have hyped it up too much?  Probably way too often. But Inception was a movie that exceeded the hype and went above and beyond my expectation of a movie.  Yes, I’m sure we wouldn’t have expected anything less from Christopher Nolan who directed the beloved The Dark Knight.  And he definitely brought his “A game” to this movie.

I totally ❤ bow ties and I found these on Etsy that are just to die for.  And I think I love these bow ties even more because these are for kids/babies. | continue reading |

Vitrocolor – Narrow Mouth Carafe (Org $36… Now $18) – Simple and elegant.  Just my style.  Although I would have no clue what to do with these bottles. | continue reading |

“A 40-ton whale flipped into the air and smashed the mast of a 33-foot boat off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, on Sunday, July 18, 2010. The couple on board was not injured, but their boat was wrecked. The whale then slid down the boat and back into the water. There are reports the boat was harassing the whale prior to the attack.” – CBS News Site

i love pugs. although a pug singing batman might get old and annoying at some point. but it’s cute the first time around.

I’m not sure how this slip my radar.  But yes, there will be an actual theatrical release of a movie based on the Facebook story this October. | continue reading |

I can’t say enough positive things about Nike.  It’s one of my favorite brands and you may already know, I am extremely loyal to the brands that I like.   And today while going thru a potential company I may be working for, I came across another Nike commercial that I just thought was phenomenal….

At the memorial service for Dan Cho this past Friday, I found out just how talent he really was and how much impact he had on the people around him. | continue reading |

Paper Chandelier

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I am a huge David Chang fan.   | continue reading |

This is the third time that this song has managed to bring me a profound and impacting message into my life in the past 9 months. | continue reading |

Claudia was wearing these when we were in Seattle, and I secretly wanted to steal them and bring them back with me to NYC.  But figured our friendship means more to me than a pair of cute shoes so I had to stop myself.  John Varvatos + Chuck Taylors = can’t go wrong.

One of the biggest misconception that people have about Christians is that, we as Christians don’t believe that tragic and heart breaking things will happen to us.  And that somehow that when these horrible circumstances hit our lives, we are able to have it not impact our lives, emotions, and hearts.  Well, I could tell you from my personal experiences that, that is just not true. | continue reading |

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That’s right folks, I wanted to see LeBron James in a Knicks jersey.   | continue reading |

Philosophy di Alberta Ferretti Shoes – Nubuck Sandal (Org $495… Now $149) – I really love the color combo. I think it’s a fantastic shoes. | continue reading |

Aka “Barefoot Bandit”.  Just saw the Today show do a clip about this 19 year old kid named Colton Harris Moore.   | continue reading |

Armand Diradourian –  50% cashmere pillows (Org $255… Now $124) – such simple and clean style.  love it. | continue reading |

I was at the Ninth Street Espresso in East Village with some friends this past Saturday.  Good coffee, good company, and beautiful weather in NYC.  Sometime, there’s nothing better in life.

I haven’t seen the movie but now I am willing to wait for the DVD.   | continue reading |

Saw this wedding dress on Jcrew website today for less that $500.  It made me want to get married again and be skinny.

@ a shop called “The Meadow” in Portland.  Salt, chocolate, and flowers….

May 2024
